Embracing the Unthinkable: Why Comfort Zones are Dangerous
How Ignoring the Unimaginable Threatens Our Future and What Leaders Must Do to Prepare

Humans naturally gravitate towards comfort. We form habits that help us cope with daily life, creating a sense of stability and predictability. However, our limited mentality often leads us to believe that we can thrive in this comfort indefinitely. This belief is not only misguided but dangerous.

The Problem with Comfort

Comfort can blind us to the crises lurking on the horizon. Our comfort zones can easily transform into danger zones precisely because the unthinkable is about to happen—or could happen at any moment. The irony is that our fixation on comfort leaves us ill-prepared for these crises.

Consider these two examples. There are many others. We are conditioned to plan for the predictable, but seldom do we plan for the unthinkable. This must change and become the new leadership norm.

Security and Regulation

Europe, and potentially the world, faces a looming century of criminality, oppression, and instability. As aggressors and unethical actors observe, they learn that they can simply take what they want. Unless these actors are taught that their actions are folly and are forced out, we will continue to engage in pitiful debates over national budget allocations for safeguarding against these threats.

The answer is clear: it’s too early to be an Attlee, so for now, we must be a Churchill, not a Chamberlain. Leaders must act decisively and robustly to counter these threats, investing in security and regulation to protect our future.


The cost of investing in renewable energy scares politicians and industry leaders away from what they must do: pay the price to wean off the carbon crutch. Our sick dependency on cheap, easy fuel has lasted for over a century, fostering a laziness in economic growth that is unsustainable. We must now pay our way, creating energy intelligently and utilising it prudently.

The shift to renewable energy requires taking a hit on profit margins and taxes. However, this is a small cost compared to the potential suffering of future generations. If we continue on our current path, these future generations—aged 20-50—will face crises that will compel them to destroy businesses and political systems they deem responsible.

Preparing for the Unthinkable

The greater the potential damage from a risk, the more we tend to deny its possibility. This was evident with the pandemic risk in 2019, which many dismissed until it was too late. Such denial of the most damaging risks can lead to catastrophic consequences.

Businesses must not deny or dismiss these risks. Legally, leaders are obliged to mitigate these risks for the safety of their shareholders. Collectively, this mitigation can safeguard humanity.

Taking Action

Do you struggle to justify to your board or parliament the necessity of taking proactive action? It’s time to adopt a new mindset and prioritize preparation for the unthinkable. Learn more about strategic approaches and frameworks that can help your organization navigate these challenges.

Read about Five Horizons and discover how to succeed in the age of stakeholder capitalism: Five Horizons: How to succeed in the age of stakeholder capitalism

For more insights and consultancy services, explore the offerings of Senaryo Services Ltd: Senaryo Services Ltd

In recognition of aligned thinking from Nik Gowing: Nik Gowing

It’s time to step out of the comfort zone, anticipate the unthinkable, and take decisive action to secure a sustainable future.


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