Designing the right product mix
Building cloud and security on a communication and collaboration business

In the rapidly evolving sectors of cloud computing, cyber security, and collaboration services, businesses must make astute decisions regarding their product mix and partnerships. For companies focused on offering end-to-end services to help their channel partners address client needs, these choices can significantly impact their growth trajectory and market success. This blog explores how a leading cloud, cyber security, and collaboration business successfully introduced new products to a thriving business unit, driving remarkable growth and profitability.

Strategic Vision: End-to-End Services

The core mission of this company was to deliver comprehensive services that cater to the varied needs of their channel partners' clients. By offering a seamless blend of cloud, cyber security, and collaboration solutions, the company positioned itself as a one-stop-shop for end-to-end services. This strategic vision required a careful selection of products and partners that would enhance the overall value proposition.

Building a Cyber Security Powerhouse

Recognising the growing importance of cyber security, the company set out to build a robust cyber security practice. This involved leveraging global and regional centers of excellence, which provided deep expertise and advanced capabilities. Complementing these centers with local investments allowed the company to scale its vendor portfolio tenfold. The result was not just an expanded product range but also a significant boost in revenue, growing by £80 million—a tenfold increase—while also enhancing profitability.

Choosing the Right Business Unit for New Products

A critical component of the company's success was the strategic introduction of new products into an already successful and growing business unit. Here’s how they did it:

  1. Identifying Synergies: The chosen business unit had a track record of robust performance and was well-aligned with the company's strategic focus. This alignment ensured that the new products would complement existing offerings, creating a synergistic effect rather than causing disruption.

  2. Market Readiness: The business unit had established strong relationships with channel partners and end clients. This existing network was crucial for the swift adoption of new products, as trust and credibility were already in place.

  3. Resource Allocation: Adequate resources were allocated to support the introduction of new products. This included training for sales teams, marketing support, and technical expertise to address any implementation challenges.

Partnering for Success

Strategic partnerships played a pivotal role in the company’s growth. By collaborating with leading vendors and integrating their solutions into the product portfolio, the company could offer state-of-the-art technologies that met the evolving demands of their clients. These partnerships were selected based on several criteria:

  1. Innovation: The company prioritized partnerships with vendors that were at the forefront of innovation. This ensured that their product offerings remained cutting-edge and competitive.

  2. Scalability: Vendors that could support scalable solutions were chosen to ensure that as client needs grew, the company could continue to meet those demands without compromising on quality or performance.

  3. Support and Training: Partners that provided robust support and training were preferred. This enabled the company to quickly upskill its workforce and ensure seamless integration and deployment of new products.

Achieving Remarkable Growth

The strategic focus on the correct product mix and strong partnerships yielded impressive results. By scaling their vendor portfolio tenfold and leveraging their centers of excellence, the company achieved over £80 million in revenue growth. More importantly, this growth was not just in revenue but also in profitability, showcasing the effectiveness of their strategy.

Conclusion: A Blueprint for Success

The success story of this leading cloud, cyber security, and collaboration business provides a blueprint for other companies aiming to introduce new products and drive growth. The key takeaways include:

  • Strategic Alignment: Choose a business unit that is already thriving and aligns with the overall strategic vision.
  • Strong Partnerships: Collaborate with innovative and scalable vendors to enhance product offerings.
  • Resource Investment: Allocate sufficient resources to support the introduction and integration of new products.
  • Customer-Centric Focus: Ensure that new products meet the evolving needs of clients, providing them with comprehensive and valuable solutions.

By focusing on these principles, businesses can successfully navigate the complexities of product mix and partnerships, setting themselves up for sustainable growth and market leadership.


John Barnard:
Integrating Design and Manufacturing in Formula One